Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Week 13 Chapter 11 Discussion 2

Many colleges, including San Jose State University, prohibit students from submitting plagiarizing work to their classes. Two professors, Brook J. Sadles and Russell Hunt, argue on the issues and identify plagiarism is beneficial for students or is harming the students and even the society.  Saldes has a list of ten points stating the disadvantage of plagiarism, including students who submit plagiarized work are shutting down their educational opportunity and lowering the value of the bachelor’s degree. Saldes also suggests that students who plagiarized should serve a more serious penalty than just failing the assignment. Hunt, on the other hand, provides 4 points to support plagiarism. He believes as long as students are citing the sources appropriately, they may use works from others for brainstorming and ideas. I support Sadles stance because he gives an idea of what are the impacts of plagiarism to students and the society.  Hunt only provides his stance but not explaining why plagiarism should be tolerated and allowed in college.

Thank you for reading! (:

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