Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Week 11 Chapter 10 Question 2

Margo G. Wootan and Robert Liodice has different perspectives on should the government has regulation on food commercials or not. Wootan supports the idea because he thinks there are too many children with obesity. Therefore, the government should have regulations on food manufacturers marketing strategies. However, Liodice does not support the way the Wootan's claim. He believes regulating commercials by manufacturers violate the first amendment, which states that everyone in the U.S. have freedom of speech. After reviewing both arguments, I think Liodice has better argument on the issue. He points out there arr varies problems of  “Guidelines for Responsible Food Marketing to Children” by the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI). He also states that government should find alternatives to solve obesity. I think he analyzed the issue thoroughly while Wootan only states his stance. Consequently, I think Liodice’s statement is more trustable and better!

Thank you for reading!

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