Friday, August 31, 2012

Week 2 discussion Question 2

I think the most important I have to make in my life is to decide whether coming over to the states study or not. If you have read my intro post, you would learned that I was born in Hong Kong and studying in Hong Kong until grade 10. Me and my mum was arguing about should I come to the state or not.  At that time , my mum just had an operation with her eyes and she wanted me to stay with her and take care of her, but then I believe that was a great time for me to travel to the state and study in high school to help me get used to the environment before entering college. We had quite a few talks, but it turned out to be quarrels. I do care my mum a lot but I have a clear mind and desire to move to the states. After all the discussion sessions we had, she finally changed her mind because of my firmed stance. Therefore, I believe that if you want something, you will naturally fight for it until you have reached the goal. 
My mum finally permitted me to go to the states not only because of my strong desire, but also the research and plans I have made and showed her. Varies research helped me to make that decision. I think you have to think twice before making any decisions, and conduct some researches whenever you are stuck on something when you have to make decisions.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Adrian

    I am sorry to know that your mom had an operation with her eyes. That must be one tough argument between you and your mom about moving to a whole new place. I can see from your first post that you are from Hong Kong, which means you are talking about to move thousands miles away from home. To a mom, it is very hard to send her son over to another country alone. Other than that, she needed you to take care of at that time. And I know it does cost a lot to move into the US. Nevertheless, you can totally deal with it in the best way. You stood your ground and tried to persuade your mom by using concrete information. You teach me a lesson that we should show effort in order to get what we what.
