Sunday, September 9, 2012

Week 3 Chapter 8 Question 2

After reading the passage about “Perspective on the death penalty,” I think the claim from Sister Helen Prejean is an unsupported assumption and without any evidence to back up the argument.  In many religions, they will not encourage people to kill each other. Moreover, they teach you should forgive ones if they did something wrong to you. I am not a follower of any religions, but I know that Catholic or Christian will not encourage you to “who taught us to not to return hate for hate and evil for evil.” I think even if a criminal kill someone or rape someone or did something really bad, followers in Christians will try to help him to make a change and then they will forgive him afterwards. As far as I know, Christian encourages forgiveness but not killing. Therefore, I do not believe that a lot of Christian support death penalty in the United States, because the whole idea is contradicting with the rules in Christian. 

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